Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Playoff Picture - AFC

As far as the AFC is concerned, there seems to be a common trend among the playoff hopefuls and shoe-ins. The Patriots, Steelers, and Ravens are all once again representing the top tier of teams heading to the playoffs. The Texans have finally gotten over the hump that has plagued the franchise since their inaugural year, but have also lost their star QB Matt Schaub in the process. One of the teams among the Broncos and Raiders will be squeaking in, while the last seed has yet to be determined with the Titans, Bengals, and Jets all hoping to snag that final 6th seed.

Personally, out of the last five teams mentioned in the previous paragraph, none of them have the stamina to make a splash come January. Even if one were to inch out a victory versus a much superior opponent, there is no way they have the skill set to win the conference. Sadly, I would have to throw the Texans under the bus as well, as I cannot imagine T.J. Yates hoisting up a trophy in early February.

Therefore, by process of elimination, I have to resort to the Patriots, Steelers, or Ravens as my choice to take this AFC by storm. The Patriots have a clear advantage on offense with 100 more points scored than any other team in the conference. Tom Brady is still the quarterback, Wes Welker is still everything else, and they should have no problems winning at least one playoff game. However, this team, just like the Packers, have some serious problems defensively. They still have the 32nd ranked passing defense in the nation and have for most of the regular season. Granted, they will not have to face anyone by the likes of Drew Brees, but a hobbled Big Ben and consistently inconsistent Joey Flacco are no slouches. They know how to win in the playoffs and have stifling defenses to back up their sometimes average play. If the Pats are going to make a run at another title, it will have to be because of their offense outdueling two of the best secondaries in the country.

Each game should be a shootout, but I still feel that the Ravens have the most sound group on both sides of the ball to make it to the big dance. Ray Rice can run and catch with the best of them, and the defense is as experienced as any other in the league. Whether they end up playing the Pats or Steelers in the championship game, I believe they will hold the opponent down long enough to pull out a tight victory. Now, can they do the same thing against a team like, say, the Saints or Packers? Only time will tell.

Super Bowl Prediction - Ravens v. Saints

You don't agree? Suck it.

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