Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Senseless Sports

The fact that 'sports' and a lack of sense are associated with the title of this blog does not mean that I will limit myself to bitching and complaining about only the inaccuracies or misguided thoughts in the sporting world. Nor does it mean that I won't. We all need the freedom as red-blooded Americans to love or hate anyone and everyone as we so choose, and I will not hesitate to show my distaste for culturally irrelevant athletes or celebrities that have become an icon where they are not welcome.

Yes, I'm looking at you Drew Barrymore, all Kardashians and their subsequent man-bitch lovers, any other celebrity that has gained fame primarily due to receiving a contract to display their life on E!, Tim Tebow, LBJ (the fuckstain athlete, not the former President), Sidney Crosby, most Boston Red Sox players, all Boston Red Sox fans, Nicholas Cage (Ghost Rider is playing on repeat in hell), Katherine Heigl (not hot), and many others that I will be sure to remember and mention over time.

Many of you may be saying "hey, Katherine Heigl is hot" or "hey, Tim Tebow is a first class do-gooder", and to that I say "Create your own blog discussing why someone who makes terrible movies or makes terrible throws on a football field can become so renound". Lets discuss.

Ah, Tim Tebow. The Golden Boy of the National Football League. Loved by devout christians, loved in Denver, loved in Florida, hated by seemingly everyone else. Now, I'll be the first to admit that you cannot achieve 6 game winning streaks and receive your own SportsCenter hour on a fluke. Hell, I am currently writing about this anomily that is Tebow as we speak. However, we as a people, need to come together and realize that winning games does NOT distinguish him to be a good quarterback. For God sake, Trent fucking Dilfer won a SUPER BOWL at the helm behind that tormenting Ravens D in 2000. Now he's just another shitbrain discussing how Tebow's inaccuracy can be overlooked because he plays with grittiness and the 'ability to win'.

The Tebow is a roller coaster ride that is just finally reaching that final loop of fun and excitement, and while it made me pee my pants a little during the ride; it will indeed end with a screeching halt and everyone will put their harnesses back in the upright and locked positions. "But Tim can run, and yell, and believes in Jesus Christ our savior!!". Save it. He throws with 50% accuracy, and has beaten teams of the likes of the Chargers, Jets, and Bears to say the MOST. Granted, he gets credit for not throwing interceptions and avoiding mistakes, but then why is he so much more of a story than Aaron Rodgers who has thrown four more INT's than Timmy, but also 29 more TD's!? Or Drew Brees, who has quietly thrown 37 TD's while still connecting with 70% of his receivers?! Or shit, Cam fuckin' Newton has broken the rushing record for a QB and is on the verge of breaking every rookie passing record as well. But no, Tim Tebow gets all the attention for winning with the immense help of his kicker and defense. Maybe I don't like him because he is from Florida, maybe it's his trademark kneel, or maybe it's what the media has made me perceive of him morphing into John Elway Jr. Either way, he still looked like Bubby Brister out there against Tom Brady and his 32nd ranked pass defense. Oh yea, and Tom is 11-3.

1 comment:

  1. Give Tebow a chance, he is young and has the tools to improve. Might not be there yet, but he has time. (See ridiculously long post above)
